Tag archive for ‘Iraq’
    By editor On Sunday, April 28th, 2013

    Caught, Israel orchestrating world war

    The Israeli “security publication,” DEBKA, a key part of their “war through deception” campaign against the world, has now made it inexorably clear, Israel is putting into motion their “final solution,” More...

    By editor On Monday, April 22nd, 2013

    If you want to go to heaven, you had better get busy overthrowing Syria

    The United States government has been at war for eleven years. The US military destroyed Iraq, leaving the country and millions of lives in ruins and releasing sectarian blood-letting that had been kept in check More...

    By editor On Wednesday, April 17th, 2013

    The Orwellian Warfare State of Carnage and Doublethink

    After the bombings that killed and maimed so horribly at the Boston Marathon, our country’s politics and mass media are awash in heartfelt compassion — and reflexive “doublethink,” which George Orwell described More...

    By editor On Tuesday, April 16th, 2013

    Can the Boston Bombings Increase our Sympathy for Iraq and Syria, for All Such Victims?

    To fight our contemporary pathologies, the tragedy has to be turned to empathy and universal compassion rather than to anger and racial profiling. The horrific bombings of the Boston Marathon produced inspiring More...

    By editor On Friday, April 12th, 2013

    EXPOSED: Syrian Human Rights Front is EU-Funded Fraud

    NYT admits fraudulent Syrian human rights group is UK-based “one-man band” funded by EU and one other “European country.” In reality, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has long ago More...

    Iraq War
    By editor On Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013

    There’s a Whole Class of Dangerous ‘Intellectuals’ in America, Always Ready to Shill on Behalf of the Powerful (opinion)

    And the rewards range from tenured professorships, to book contracts, television appearances, and generous lecture fees.  By Chris Hedges The rewriting of history by the power elite was painfully evident as the More...

    By Editor On Tuesday, March 19th, 2013

    Ten Years After the Invasion of Iraq

    The evil unleashed on the people of Iraq has been painstakingly obscured behind a tapestry of lies Since the end of the Second World War, American political leaders and opinion-makers have led the public to believe More...

    iraq children
    By Editor On Thursday, March 14th, 2013

    Iraqi Children: Deprived Rights, Stolen future

    For two decades, Iraqi children have been subjected to grave violations of human rights. Due to decades of war, foreign occupation and international sanctions, Iraq has turned into one of the worst places for children More...

    • editor on Inventor Of ADHD’S Deathbed Confession: “ADHD Is A Fictitious Disease”
    • really? on Inventor Of ADHD’S Deathbed Confession: “ADHD Is A Fictitious Disease”
    • Marie on 20 Ways to Build a Whole Food Kitchen on a Half Price Budget
    • marie tahergorabi on Visionary: Larry McDonald’s stark predictions manifest today
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