Home » April 23rd, 2013 Entries posted on “April 23rd, 2013”

Genetically Modified Children Could have serious implications for Society


Rapid advances in genetic technologies could lead to a form of child “eugenics” and have serious implications for society, a leading fertility expert has warned. Professor Lord Robert Winston says that current controls will not be able to keep pace, and people could want to modify their children to enhance desirable characteristics. Last week the [...]

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Israelis torch 10 cars in Ramallah village

A boy stands next to a car burnt by settlers in Nablus.

  RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — Dozens of settlers raided a Ramallah village overnight Monday and set fire to 10 cars, locals said. Witnesses told Ma’an that settlers from Ofra entered the village of Deir Jarir and attacked property in the village, setting fire to 10 vehicles. In recent weeks, fierce clashes have broken out in the [...]

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Bahrain: Interview with human rights activist

Bahrain: Interview with human rights activist


VIDEO: Bahrain: Royal…Torture

VIDEO: Bahrain: Royal Torture

  Bahraini authorities are set for a new round of talks with the opposition later this week amid the continuing crackdown on anti-regime rallies across the nation. The Sunni monarchy has been widely accused by rights groups of using tear gas and torture against protesters. And as RT’s Aleksey Yaroshevsky reports even those who try [...]

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French parliament approves gay marriage law


French parliament has approved a law allowing same-sex couples to marry and to adopt children today. Hollande’s “marriage for all” law is the biggest social reform in France since his left-wing mentor and predecessor Francois Mitterrand abolished the death penalty in 1981, a move which also split the nation. Lawmakers in the lower house National [...]

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Boston: Next step-let change the constitution(!)

Mayor Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Ray Kelly. (Photo John Moore/Getty Images)

In the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Monday the country’s interpretation of the Constitution will “have to change” to allow for greater security to stave off future attacks. “The people who are worried about privacy have a legitimate worry,” Mr. Bloomberg said during a press conference in Midtown. “But we [...]

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USA: Facebook? No without giving your password to your Boss!


An attempt to ban US bosses from asking employees to hand over their Facebook login details has been blocked by Congress. A last minute alteration to the controversial Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) that would have prevented employers demanding that prospective employees disclose social media passwords as a condition of employment was voted [...]

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Belgorod shooting suspect still at large after killing 6, including 14yo girl


Police are searching for a suspect in the Monday shooting in the Russian city of Belgorod. A gunman opened fire near an arms shop, leaving six people dead and one injured. A 14-year-old girl is among those killed. Police have asked Belgorod residents not to leave their homes because of the special operation. The photo [...]

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Quan Says CHP To Expand Patrols In Oakland


OAKLAND (CBS SF) — Two days after Oakland’s contract with the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office ended, Oakland Mayor Jean Quan announced Monday that the California Highway Patrol has agreed to extend and expand its patrols in her city. Oakland has entered into short-term contracts with both the sheriff’s office and the CHP because the number [...]

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German Company selling tanks to Qatar


  German arms manufacturer Kraus-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) has just closed a billion dollar deal with Qatar under which the tiny Persian Gulf state will buy modern tanks and weapons from Europe’s largest economy. On April 18, the Munich-based company announced that it closed a contract to deliver 62 Leopard 2 battle tanks and 24 Panzerhaubitze [...]

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