Home » April 25th, 2013 Entries posted on “April 25th, 2013”

Do you need an entry to Israel? Your email account has to be checked first!


Israeli officials at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv say they have been authorized to continue demanding access to tourists’ email accounts and to deny them entry if they refuse. Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein confirmed the authorization on Wednesday in a written response to the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), which had asked [...]

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Egypt law would force out 3,000 judges


The Egyptian parliament is working on a draft retirement law that, if approved, would force more than 3,000 judges out of work. According to the draft, which was proposed by the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party, the retirement age for all judges would be dropped from 70 to 60. About 10,000 judges and other [...]

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Landslide claims 14 lives in Ecuador


At least 14 people have been killed after a landslide triggered by heavy rains struck a village in northern Ecuador, officials have said. “There were 14 people killed in a landslide in [the town of] Tabete [in Esmeraldas province],” AFP reported the county’s civil defense as saying on Wednesday. Reports said that the landslide occurred [...]

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‘US trying to change Syria structure’


A senior Iranian lawmaker says the United States and its allies intend to change the political structure of Syria in line with Israeli interests. “Syria is the axis of support for the resistance front in the fight against the Zionist regime [of Israel],” Chairman of Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee Alaeddin Boroujerdi said [...]

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‘Sexual harassment on rise in US army’


Sexual harassment and abuse of women in the US military continues to be a “persistent problem”, according to a newly released government report. Approximately one out of five military women said they have been victims of unwanted sexual contact by another service member, according to a 2011 Pentagon health survey report released on Monday. Among [...]

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One in four disabled rail users suffer hate crime


One in four disabled rail passengers has suffered a hate crime or abuse in Britain, a new research by Trades Union Congress (TUC) reveals. The poll of more than one thousand disabled rail users disclosed that 27 percent of them have been targeted while at stations or on trains. Wheelchair users and those with visual [...]

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Enrico Letta is the new Italian premier


Italian Prsident, Giorgio Napolitano, nominates deputy leader of the centre-left Democratic Party, Enrico Letta, to form a new coalition government. The appointment could see an end to two months of parliamentary deadlock in the country. The 46-year-old Letta is expected to begin naming his cabinet ministers. Then the new administration will have to win confidence [...]

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Brits gloomy about economic future


A new poll in Britain has uncovered public frustration at persisting economic woes with voters saying a full recovery will take anywhere between four to ten years to come true. A YouGov poll for the Resolution Foundation showed 46 percent of the public think their financial situation will keep worsening until 2015 when the current [...]

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Hackers fake tweets cause horror in US stock markets


A fake report of an attack on the White House by hackers who broke into the Twitter account of the US-based Associated Press (AP) News Agency prompted a sharp, though brief, fall in the country’s stock market. A message posted on AP’s Twitter account on Tuesday afternoon reported explosions at the White House that resulted [...]

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‘Women unemployement soaring in UK’


British women’s rights organization Fawcett Society has warned unemployment among women is soaring to a 25-year high at 1.48 million by 2018. The organization said while make unemployment has fallen since 2010, the number of jobless women has risen adding 400,000 more women will lose their jobs in the next five years. The Fawcett Society’s [...]

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