Home » April 26th, 2013 Entries posted on “April 26th, 2013”

Israeli troops:In a war with teens & Disabled…


Israeli soldiers have shot and injured a young Palestinian man in the northern Gaza Strip, Press TV reports. Palestinian medical personnel said the 17-year-old, identified as Jameel Heesha, was shot in his left leg on Friday evening in the Jabaliya refugee camp, which is located near the northern border of the besieged enclave. The medics [...]

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The End of America – Stansberry Research Video

The End of America – Stansberry Research Video

  I believe that we as Americans are about to see a major, major collapse in our national monetary system, and our normal way of life. Our government has been borrowing so much money (very often using short-term loans), that very soon, we will no longer be able to afford even the interest on these [...]

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Rationalism over nationalism


The illustrious Dr Johnson once uttered the words “patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel”. While it is true that the context of the whole conversation was never recorded so the meaning of Dr Johnson’s quote is uncertain, we can take him at his word which is what I fully intend to do in [...]

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VIDEO: Drones Strikes Are Terrorism too…

  Abby Martin takes a look at the Senate Judiciary Committee’s recent hearing on drones, and how one Yemeni man’s heartfelt testimony is falling on the deaf ears of elected officials.

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