Home » April 27th, 2013 Entries posted on “April 27th, 2013”

Mississippi man arrested in ricin letters investigation


Everett Dutschke was arrested by US marshals at his Tupelo home early Saturday, Tony Carlton the city’s police chief, told Reuters. He has been charged with the possession of a biological weapon ricin and attempting to attempting to use it has a weapon. Agents from the FBI, the Capital Police and an anti-terrorists response team [...]

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‘Pardon for Ukrainian ex-PM Tymoshenko is premature’ – Pardon Commission


The Commission has advised President Viktor Yanukovych not to pardon Tymoshenko, the Deputy Prosecutor General said. “During the session, the Commission has decided that because the investigation of the criminal cases, in which Tymoshenko is accused of grievous and extremely grievous crimes, hasn’t yet been completed… the question of her pardon is premature,” a statement [...]

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Tsarnaevs’ mother ‘on terror watch list’, accuses police of murdering son


The CIA reportedly put Zubeidat on the classified Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment database (TIDE) at the same time that her 26-year-old son Tamerlan was added. During a Thursday news conference in Russia, Zubeidat and her husband Anzor said their children were innocent, and refused to accept the story pieced together by the authorities. The suspects’ [...]

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‘EU won’t offer salvation for Iceland’ – debate


Iceland applied to join the EU under current center-left government in July 2009, with the formal negotiations beginning a year later. But the talks are most likely to be stalled if the center-right Independence and Progressive parties will take power in the country after the Saturday’s vote. Icelandic MP and founder of the Rainbow Party, [...]

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Pressure mounts to release kidnapped Syrian bishops


Ekmeledin Ihsanoglu, the OIC secretary general, condemned the kidnapping of Aleppo’s Greek Orthodox Bishop, Boulos Yaziji, and the Syrian Orthodox Bishop Yohanna Ibrahim. The two were abducted last Monday by armed men while they were travelling to Aleppo from a town on the Turkish border where they were carrying out “humanitarian work.” The OIC statement [...]

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Everything you need to know about CIA…


 By  Charles Frith At the end of WWII a bunch of Yale Skull & Bones type crooks (International Lawyers, Financiers, Politicians, industrialists etc) who had deep connections to funding Hitler decided the best way to take over the United States was to control the most expensive and largest secret society in the history of the [...]

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U.S. Government Planned Boston Bombing:New Hampshire Legislator


A Republican state legislator in New Hampshire is claiming that the United States government is responsible for the Boston Marathon bombing. State Rep. Stella Tremblay (R-Auburn) posted on conservative talk show host Glenn Beck’s Facebook page Friday that the attack and the subsequent search for suspects was playing out how Beck had suggested. She said [...]

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VIDEO: Police Stop Reporters From Investigating Fertilizer Explosion

VIDEO: Police Stop Reporters From Investigating Fertilizer Explosion

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Boston Bombing: FBI Responsibility for US Terror Plots?


By Stephen Lendman Global Research, April 26, 2013   Boston’s marathon bombings leave disturbing questions unanswered. Official accounts lack credibility. Mounting evidence suggests FBI responsibility. Project Censored’s fourth top 2013 censored story headlined “FBI Agents Responsible for Majority of Terrorist Plots in the United States.” More on that below. Post-9/11, George Bush declared war on [...]

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Japanese government first contaminates it’s citizens, then refuses to rehouse their children

Nagashima Rio who was born on March 15, is tested for possible nuclear radiation at an evacuation centre in Koriyama, Fukushima Prefecture, northern Japan, located about 60 km from the tsunami and earthquake-crippled nuclear reactor, March 31, 2011. (Reuters/Kim Kyung-Hoon)

A Japanese court has dismissed a lawsuit demanding that the government pay for the re-settlement of children from the city of Koriyama, 60 km from the site of the Fukushima nuclear power plant, which suffered a meltdown in 2011. On Wednesday, the Sendai High Court said that while the radiation level in the city of [...]

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